Our speciality is your health!

Our Services

Ozone therapy


Laser therapy


Pain treatments without surgery?

     Most part of people think their health depends on suffering. Since an early age we are forced to believe that every benefit in life comes with a suffering. Maybe this creed makes people think the only way to get rid of pain brings a painful treatment or even a traumatic event like a surgery.

     Surgeries can be the last resource towards a complex health condition and sometimes the only reasonable choice. We all know surgeries involve a large risk of serious injuries, collateral damages, permanent sequelae and eventually, death, regardless it’s the most expensive kind of treatment known available. Opting for surgery in most cases is not an option but extreme necessity due to the reasons shown above.

      It would be very foolish to say all health issues can be solved without surgery, but I have shaped all my 15 years of experience in pain treatment into a less invasive treatment as possible and we have overcame more than 100 health conditions usually treated by surgery including herniated discs, diabetic feet and facial paralysis.

      Technology is a strong ally when it comes to bringing the body ideal conditions for it to heal itself, and we count on the most advanced technologies and devices to bring you and your family quality of life, pain relief and happy days. My job is to make sure my patients recover their health spending the less time, pain and money as possible. This is my mission and attitude


Dr Romulo Costa

CEO Ozone Centre

Welcome to our home SPA

Massage and SPA services

Find comfort with a renewing therapy service at home or in our venue

Book in Glasgow and surroundings

Kick fatigue, boost energy and get prettier!

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SPA treatment is an excellent way to improve and extend wellbeing sensation along our daily routine, accumulating more and more good substances to our bloodstream in a perpetuals healthy stance.


Another way to use SPA benefits, is allowing techniques and/or technologies to produce aesthetic results bringing power and confidence to our clients.


SPA solutions are not only for sensations or beauty, but also for pain control or relief and health maintenance. We offer you the best to match any of your objectives.

The best of our services

Try a Swedish massage by the hands of Dr Costa and reenergise yourself. 


Swedish massage

Ideal for anti-stress purposes or tiredness due to heavy work or lack of sleep. 


Functional massage

Blending techniques like massage therapy and physiotherapy, this is focused on people with lack of mobility and inelasticity. 


Facial massage

A gentle technique that brings glow and softness to facial muscles. Beauty and relaxation for your face. 

I have a serious tension issue due to my heavy duty job as a retail manager and struggle with a free time to go for a SPA. However, I booked my home SPA with Dr Costa in my house and I could have the best service, in the best place, with the best professional. I certainly recommend it!
Dorothy Finlay


15 years bringing health!

       Dr Romulo Costa is 35 years old, original from Brazil and graduated in Physiotherapy at UENP Health Sciences Centre in Parana State – Brazil. Post graduated in Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation and Certified in 5 more specializations like Chiropractic, Laser Therapy, Ozone Therapy, Podoposturology and Shock Wave Therapy. 

       He has worked 7 years as a on-duty physiotherapist at the ICU at the Military Hospital in Curitiba during his military career. Later on founded The Posture Clinic developing postural and pain treatment receiving national recognition for his achievements and results. 

       Recently moved to the UK and founded the Ozone Centre bringing all the backgrounds and experience with him in service for the British and Scottish communities. 

Results for post-labor facial paralysis  laser treatment in Brazil after 4 appointments (over 2 weeks treatment).


"I've been fighting against fibromyalgia for the last 6 years and for the last 8 months, since I started Ozone therapy, I've lived my best days without the amount of drugs I had to take in order to keep control over pain and symptoms."
Madalena P
"For being an young person, I never imagined having a herniated disc and I experienced the worst pain in my whole life! After giving up about surgery I researched about Ozone therapy and found Dr Costa and after 4 weeks treatment 90% of pain is gone"
Rodrigo Fernandes
"I had the privilege to know Dr Romulo in Brazil in 2020 when I had my baby and developed facial paralysis due to the labor conditions. It was my nightmare for weeks, but my husband who served as a military colleague to Dr Romulo, escorted me to the consultation and laser therapy treatment and after four appointments my movements were back and my face was perfect!"
Irineia Afonso

Numbers Speak

Since we started our activities 14 years ago, these numbers makes proud:

Simultaneous units
Patients attended
Partner Professionals
Customers satisfaction

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Whatever is your doubt, comment or suggestion, please let us know!